Hexagoal Ligue 1 Trophy

Angers rename stadium in Kopa homage

Angers rename stadium in Kopa homage

Publish on 03/28 at 09:00


Angers' stadium has been renamed the Stade Raymond-Kopa in homage to the late French international, who died in the city at the start of March at the age of 85.

The French football legend played for Angers for two seasons at the start of his career before moving to Reims. Kopa won the European Cup three times running from 1957 to 1959.

Angers' municipal council voted unanimously on Monday to change the name of the city's stadium from the Stade Jean-Bouin to the Stade Raymond-Kopa.

When Kopa died Angers mayor Christophe Béchu - who proposed the stadium name change - said: "I know that he was very attached to Angers, where he lived for part of the year. The people of Angers have lost one of their own. I want Angers to pay homage to Raymond Kopa by associating in a permanent way his name with our territory."